If you are of the view that one needs to pay more for good quality every time. Then there are a lot of cloud hosting service providers out there in the market who don't agree with you. And they prove their point by offering hosting services namely cloud hosting and shared hosting at the best possible rates possible. And still, their offerings deliver supreme scalability along with a diverse range of features. DHS UP Cloud is one such NCR-based cloud hosting services provider. Cloud Usage Has Increased Exponentially As the internet has left no corner of the globe untouched from its offerings. Prompted by that spending on cloud hosting services has seen a five-fold increase. As compared to other IT expenditures since 2009. But this doesn't mean that your financial planning will see a setback when you opt for cloud hosting. Below we are sharing with you details of some of the most affordable cloud hosting providers. Whose offerings range from ultra-bargains to distingu...